Thursday, April 19, 2012

Let's talk about our projects!

This will be my last blog post for the semester so I wanted to recap our discussion from Tuesday nights class.  Before I get to that, I wanted to thank you for your active particiaption with this blog.  Your enthusiasm has been contagious and inspiring.  I am confident that you will all continue on to spread the word about technology, being a kind person, and being a responsible citizen of our digital world.  :)

Our next project, "Creating Digital Citizens", will be due on 5/1.  I have decided to push the original due date back.  If you come prepared next week and would like to present are more than welcome to get it out of the way. 
This assignment will be a culmination of your learning this semester.  Students will create and present an orginal visual representation of learning that includes 21st Century Skills and the Elements of Digital Citizenship.  This presentation may include student interviews and/or peer interviews as well as reflection on each individual's classroom practice and application.

For your Digital Portfolio, due 5/8, I'd like you to develop a reflection on your semester.  We will include these on our Tech For Learners Livebinder.  You've worked very hard this semester on this blog and our Livebinder.  I'd like to include your reflections on our Livebinder as a whole-class Digital Portfolio.

Please let me know if you need any help or have any questions! 

See you on Tuseday!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Week 12.2

Level the playing field!

This week we had the opportunity to meet at the NEAT Resource and Education Center in Hartford.  We were able to discuss assistive technolgy and how these types of tools can be a crucial support to students in their classrooms as well as their everyday lives.  It can truly level the playing field and create opportunities for many students to succeed.  Although, I was unable to share everything I wanted with you, I'm hoping you could share your thoughts and observations with me.  I'm interested in hearing about your experience; what was most meaningful, what you wanted less or more of, if you were aware of these types of services or supports and do you know anyone who assistive technology might benefit?

Thanks for being a part of class on Tuesday!  I feel so strongly about getting our students the tools they need to be successful!!! 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week 12.1

UPDATE...The Bully Project

I like to believe our efforts helped to lower the age restriction for this movie. It has recently been lowered to PG-13 so that more students can view it.   We should be encouraging parents to get their kids to this movie and open up discussions about how our behaviors can have serious effects on others. 

It opens in select theaters tomorrow!  I may have to take a road trip!

Here is the the link to the website...just in case you need it!

Friday, April 6, 2012

No posts this week!
Have a nice holiday weekend!
I'll see you on Tuesday night, from 4-6 pm at NEAT.

New England Assisitve Technology (NEAT) Resource Center
33 Coventry St.
Hartford, CT 06112

Number for the front desk...860-243-2869.
If you have any issues, please call me on my cell phone.

:)  Nicole

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Understanding Digital Citizenship - project due next Tuesday!

I just wanted to reiterate the conversations we have been having about our upcoming project...

You should research, analyze, and interpret one element of Digital Citizenship.  
·         Digital Access
·         Digital Commerce
·         Digital Communication
·         Digital Literacy
·         Digital Etiquette
·         Digital Law
·         Digital Rights & Responsibilities
·         Digital Health & Wellness
·         Digital Security
Locate one current digital concern from one of these areas.  

Then you have a choice...
1)  If you don't have a class of students, you could opt to --- Find a peer-reviewed article to support the need for integrating Digital Citizenship into education.    Write an essay about your findings and present to the class.
2)  If you do have a class, than you can create a lesson(s) to implement with your students about one of the digital concerns.  You will then present this to the class.
3) If you have any other creative ideas...I'm certainly open to them!

***Digital resources will need to be provided.  

(Very similar to our first project except now our focus is on the Digital Elements.)

This will be my only post this week so that you can all focus on your projects for next Tuesday.  If you have any questions about the project you can post them here, email me, or by all me. 

DON'T forget to take a look at the posts from last week!!!

Monday, March 26, 2012


There is no class on campus tomorrow, March 27th.  I will see you next week and we will present on our next projects. 

We have had a death in our family this week so I will be slightly distracted but I WILL post.   Please see the blog tomorrow for more posts!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week 10.3

The Govenor's Education Bill

During our class this week, Michele also engaged us is a very important discussion about the new Governor's bill.  We had a very passionate discourse about our rights as teachers and the importance of putting our students first.  While we all know that reform is needed in education, I wonder why teachers must bare the brunt of the turmoil.  The education of our students is what matters most to us...contrary to popular belief it's not tenure or summers off.  We do expect to be fully respected by our administrators and supported by our politicians.  Without that, how can we be effective in creating productive classrooms?  In order to keep up with some of the changes in CT legislature, Michele had mentioned a blog called, "Wait, What?"  I have to admit...I loved it by it's title.  Take a look around and let me know what you think? 

Wait, What?

By the is the complete bill if you are interested in reading it.
Week 10.2

The Bully Project

This project highlights the immediate need in our schools as well as the crucial systemic changes that need to be addressed where bullying is concerned. 
Is is a film that follows 5 kids and families over the course of a school year, stories include 2 families who have lost children to suicide and a mother awaiting the fate of her 14-year-old daughter who has been incarcerated after bringing a gun on her school bus. With an intimate glimpse into their personal lives, we are given the opportunity to learn from and be inspired to make change happen for our children and students.  

Check out the trailor.

PLEASE visit this website and make these next few items a priority on your to-do list.
1.  Sign the petition to give Bully a PG-13 rating.  If they don't change the rating of this movie then we are really missing the point.  The kids who need to receive this message will not be old enough to view it.  I'm POSITIVE that our kids are watching far more violent, crude and inapporopriate films with a much less important message.
2.   "Bring Bully to your city."  Norwalk, CT is currently within the top 10 cities to "win" the showing of this it will only be shown in select movie theatres.  Feel free to add your city as well!
3.  Take the Pledge to "Help Stop Bullying". 

Can't wait to hear what you think! 
Please spread the word! 

Week 10.1

What's the Consesus?
Today we had the pleasure of having Michele come to class and discuss the pros, cons and safety precautions that teachers need to take in order to maintain a professional reputation while accessing social media in their personal life.  She gave us some important advice and eye opening examples of teachers falling into difficult situations and possibly damaging thier careers using facebook.  These types of examples we can certainly generalize into other arenas of social media.  While these tools keep us connected to our friends and family, I do believe teachers need to be hyper aware of their behavior and language presented on these platforms.  Afterall, we are teachers...this is who we always are...this is NOT something we just leave beind at 3pm.  Our reputation as nurturers, educators and role models, has to come first all of the time!  We have chosen this profession, because we care and we want to make a difference.  How better to do that, then to model the appropriate behaviors ourselves.    

Please leave your feedback and/or opinions about the presenation on Social Media.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hi everyone!
I was unable to get to the blog this week.  My apologies!  I hope everyone is doing well!  Enjoy your week off and please contact me if you need any assistance on your next project.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Week 6.5

Facebook in the classroom.  Should we, could we use it?

I have been thinking about our conversation in class, last Tuesday about using Facebook with our students.  I have some resources for you, if you think you might be interested in trying it or using "Fake" facebook tools.

I found some creative ideas for using facebook in your classrooms at a blog called, Web 2.0 Edu.
  • Students can pretend they are a famous scientist and explain a particular finding or experiment from that persons perspective.
  • Students can be a certain chemical in a compound and explain, from the chemical’s viewpoint, what happens when mixed with other chemicals. This one will really stretch the mind of the students and probably the teacher.
  • Have a student write from the perspective of an earthquake, a tornado, or a tsunami. This may sound silly, but it will show the teacher whether or not the student understands a concept.
Math: This one might seem like a stretch to some, but there are students in the math classroom that will benefit greatly from this kind of activity.
  • Have students be a number in a math problem and tell what happens to them through wall posts. Their friends can be the other parts of the problem.
  • Students could be a geometric shape and explain what functions that shape serves.
Social Studies:
  • Students could act as historical figures. This activity has great potential. Students could be a civil war general, a ruler in ancient China,  or slave on a ship crossing the Atlantic ocean.
  • Students could be a country and explain what the people within the country are doing.
  • This one will test the student mind for sure. Have them be a rock on a hill overlooking a valley. Explain what is happening there as it is settled by the people. Maybe a rock along the Oregon trail, or on the coast near Cape Horn.
Language Arts:
  • Students can write from the perspective of characters in a story.
  • The RAFT concept can be used here to have great potential in the English classroom. Instead of being a character in a story, maybe the students can write from the perspective of a fly on the wall, or a chair in the room, or the family cat.
  • Students could be a comma and show how it is used in the comma’s own words. Again, this is a mind bender."
Fake Facebook Tools...
Edmodo - a safe website for teachers to simulate Facebook activities.

Facebook Template in Microsoft Word

Facebook Template in PowerPoint 2010

"Flakebook" Template in Google Docs

If you are thinking about using Facebook with your kids or students, here are some safety resources...
Week 6.4
Dialogue 21

Saturday, May 5, 2012,  8:30am - 3:30 pm
Location:  Saint Joseph College, West Hartford, CT

Dialogue21 is a free, teacher-led and directed, technology conference designed to promote effective technology integration into classrooms. From cutting-edge assistive technologies, to engaging Web 2.0 Tools,to social media integration, and conversations on cyber bullying and digital citizenship, this conference aims to let you, the educator, not only decide but share and collaborate with fellow colleagues inspired to teach today's 21st Century Citizens.

Sign up here!

Mike...did I get this right???
Week 6.3

Update on scheduled class dates!

March 20th is a go!  We will have class at SJC that week. Our guest speaker will be Michelle O'neill from the CEA.  Please make sure you can be there that day; I think this will really benefit you!

Our class trip to NEAT (New England Assisitve Technology) in Hartford, has been moved to April 10th.  Originally we were scheduled for April 17th but there were to many school vacations conflicting. 

I apologize for the changes! 
Week 6.2

The Ohio School shooting has been weighing heavily on my mind this week!  My thoughts have been going out to all of those affected by this terrible tragedy.  As a mom, it's unthinkable!  As a teacher, it's scary to think that there may have been warning signs that could have avoided this devastating event.  OR was it a truly random event?  Either way, it's difficult to process this type of violence.

I'm interested to hear your thoughts on how students at Chardon High School used Twitter, during this terrible event to educate others about what was happening inside the school.  The public learned about the shooting through Twitter way before news stories broke!  Incredible or confusing???

Ohio School Shooting: 5 Students Shot, 1 Dies At Chardon High School, Suspect In Custody

Twitter Used As Impromptu Emergency Broadcast System During Ohio School Shooting

Teen charged with three counts of murder in Ohio school shooting

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Week 6.1

Updates to our Livebinder!
Here are the new additions to the "Technology for Learners" LiveBinder (

Under the Fake Facebook Wall Tab... - a free website that allows you to create an online community similar to facebook but for your students and classes.  It is a safe environment for you to connect with your students and manage their interactions.  You can post assignments, materials, videos and pictures to your page.  It also allows you to manaage a calendar, have discussions, and poll opinions. 
Under the Teacher ResourcesTab... - an Internt radio station that you personalize to help you find new music based on your old and current favorites artists. - an online community for sharing instructional teacher videos. - a website that brings learners and educators together in a global video classroom. - allows you to download any youtube videos to your computer.

Under the Interactive Whiteboard Tab... - Each Friday "The Week in Rap" brings you: A current events music video; News summaries; Links to full news stories; Activities and quizzes. - fun articles for kids on current events, science, sports, and more! There are also lots of stories, pictures, videos, games and the DOGO news map for kids! - a download that contains 23 different interactive resources.  Teachers can edit, adapt, share and save any of these activities.
If you have any questions regarding these tools or suggestions, please post them here!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Week 5.4

Education BG....(Before Google)

When I was in high school, technology was virtually non-existent to me.  There was no Instant Messaging, Emailing, Tweeting or Chat Rooms.  If you were waiting for a boy to call you, you had to be waiting by the phone at home.  There was no interupting a perfectly good conversation with a friend to check your latest text message.  People still sent invites to birthday parties through snail-mail.  I have to tell you, I kind of miss those days.  It seemed a little more peaceful, with out machines beeping or ringing constantly. 

On the other hand, technology has brought us into a connected world, where information can be gathered instantly.  That's pretty amazing!  I was traveling to New Fairfield the other day and my mapquest directions (yes...I still do that) had steered me wrong.  I pulled over and instantly grabbed directions from my iPhone.  No problems from then on!

Although, I miss the days when people couldn't immediately get a hold of me or have to know exactly what I was doing at this very moment (i.e. facebook status), I'm starting to balance that with the instant gratification that technology bring to us today.  It's incredible to me that I can reach my family in other states through FaceTime on my iPhone.  My kids LOVE seeing their grandfather in North Carolina; I never got to do that as a kid!  I still treasure face-to-face interactions and often wonder why some people choose to take that for granted.  I see so many students who won't look up from their cellphones to enjoy their family and friends around them.  We have to embrace the technology and teach about how to balance all of these wonderful things!

No Place in Class for Digital Illiterates!

A Flipped Classroom!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Does the Entertainment World do enough?

The Grammy's got me thinking about celebrities and whether or not they could do more to promote healthy relationships and postive behaviors as apposed to "sex" and "scandal".  Kids love celebrities and the fame that comes with it, so why wouldn't we use that to our advantage.  Why can't we find celebs, music and movies that discuss and protray the behaviors we want our kids to mirror.  It's a win - win! 

While watching the Grammy's the other night, I was moved by the performance given by Taylor Swift.  I truly feel like kids can benefit by listening to her song and having a conversation about what the lyrics actually mean and how they might relate.

Diana posted a link to a powerful video by Rascal Flatts that tells the story of teen suicide.
She also reminded us of a movie found on ABC Family, called CyberBully.  You can buy it in iTunes for $3.99.
Here is a preview!
and we can't forget about Ellen...

I would love to add a section to our livebinder on resources like these!  Please reply to this post with some of your own entertainment resources.

For those of you who missed the iCitizenship Panel last is your chance to see it!

Thanks to Kate, we now have a link to share with others about the wonderfully important message regarding Digital Citizenship and our kids.  This link provides 2 hours worth of taping from the Panel last Thursday, Enjoy!

Also, Melissa R. posted an article about sexting in CT.  Please check it out...if you have'nt already.  This is just one case of many in CT.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Week 4.3

iCitizenship Panel 2012 in Review!

For those of you who attended the iCitizenship Town Hall Meeting last night on the SJC campus, I look forward to hearing thoughts about the overly successful meeting of the minds.  For those of you who were unable to attend, CPTV will be streaming it next week...I believe.  Hopefully, Mike Carbone will let us know!

Overall, the meeting was inspirational and very informative!  The mission was to educate parents and teachers on the importance of helping children use technology in a socially responsible way.   It was nice to see so many people turn out in support of this cause because it impacts all of our lives not just the youth.  I believe these types of meetings should be happening in every town.  Not only were there people in attendance but people were skyping in from Alabama and tweeting from all over our country and worldwide.  Clearly, this is a global concern!

The panel was very direct in explaining the types of dangers but also the wonderful things that technology can bring to our schools, communities and worldwide.  There was a lot of support for integrating technology and social media into our classrooms.  One of the key points was that teachers should take chances but continue to use professionalism and mindfulness. 

The most meaningful part of the night for me was when one of the panelist, Jo Ann Freiberg explained that getting to the core of this issue is not through the technology or teaching about iCitizenship but truly....teaching about how to be a GOOD, KIND person in a changing (digital) world.  It all comes back to having expectations for kids and teaching them about social interactions that are appropriate whether it's in-person or through social media.

I wanted to compliment Kate Morrone and Mike Carbone on your part in pulling this event together!  It was truly a beautiful evening.  Marialice was her amazingly upbeat and enthusiastic self!  She has a way of motivating people to get involved and become part of the solution!  I'm happy to know her and look forward to seeing the rest of her accomplishments.  I'm sure we all know...she has just begun! 

Please read this article about Jo Ann Freiberg, who was a panelist last night but also sits on the National School Climate Council.
You may also want to scan through the Bill, An Act Concerning the Strengthening of School Bullying Laws.

And I just to remind us all of why this is such a priority, here is an article about Phoebe Prince, from Massachusetts, and her struggle with cyberbullying and ultimately...her suicide.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week 4.2

Updating our LiveBinder!

Many of you have been asking me for advice on various technology tools or websites that can apply to your specific needs.  Keep it coming!  I love it and I'm happy to provide you with any ideas I may have or try to help you find the answers. 

Here are some new additions to the LiveBinder (

To my Family and Consumer Science Teachers, I didn't forget about you!  I have added
Under the Twitter Tab, you will find Twitter4Teachers.  This is a wiki that provides an open community for teachers to connect and find others with similar professional interests...yes, even Family and Consumer Science.  Yay!
Check this out...I LOVE it! Integrating your curriculum with fun technology ideas!

Under the Visual/Presentatin Tab... - an online wall to post notes, organize thoughts, collaborate as a group with music videos, pictures or information.  No registration or emails needed for students and teachers have the opportunity to review and permit notes before they are posted.

Under the Wiki Tab... - a free place for educators to post, publish, and share text, files, videos and more with their students.  You can create unlimited pages with privacy settings.  You do not need email addresses to create student accounts 
Under the StoryTelling Tab... - a mulitmedia software, created by Disney, allowing students a safe place to create orginal artwork, animated movies, stories.  Elementary through Middle School teachers use this website along with national and statel aligned lesson plans to integrate technology into their classrooms lessons.  Teachers can create an account for their classrooms and students do not need an email address.

If you have any questions regarding or suggestions of tools, please post them here!
Week 4.1

Preventing our kids and students from the dangers of sexting and sextortion!

Sexting - sending sexually explicit messages or photographs, typically between cell phones.

Sextortion - a person is extorted with a sexually explicit image of themselves they have shared through sexting or on the Internet. This is often meant to share with someone they feel close too. They are then coerced into sharing more pictures or performing sexual acts so that this intial picture will not be shared publicly.

Students who become participants and victims of either of these horrific acts, often don't feel comfortable talking to an adult or parent about it until it's too late. It is crucial that adults educate themselves about these growing trends so that we can create lines of communication with our kids and students. It is our responsibilty to keep our kids SAFE!!!

We must begin the journey by paying attention to what is on our kids cell phones, in their email, and across chat rooms. While parents have to set some rules and expectations for these luxuries...and I call them luxuries because they are CLEARLY not neccesities...teachers must pay attention as to what is happening in our student's lives. Often, students will feel more comfortable reaching out to a teacher. We should be prepared!

Here are some resources for you to share!

Teens being blackmailed in cyber space: Sextortion is a form of cyber crime where teens post sexy pictures online and are then blackmailed.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Week 3.3

I strongly encourage you to to attend this Saint Joseph College event!  I am willing to excuse you from class on Feb. 7th, if you'd like to attend this Town Hall Meeting.  I undertand that our class is usually Tuesday evenings but I also recognize that asking you to come twice that week is more than the requirement.  I will be on campus and in the computer lab during our regular class time.  Those of you who join me in class on Feb. 7th will be given ample time to work on your assignments and projects.  You must attend class on the 7th or the Town Hall Meeting on the 9th.  Please let me know what you'd like to do!  Email me a  If you do attend this event, please check in with me once you arrive to let me know you are there! 
Very exciting!

iCitizenship Town Hall Meeting at SJC on Feb. 9

Saint Joseph College Connecticut 

The School of Education at Saint Joseph College presents:
iCitizenship Town Hall Meeting
Moderated by Brad Drazen - NBC 30 Connecticut News Anchor
Thursday, February 9, 2012 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
The Bruyette Athenaeum’s Hoffman Auditorium
1678 Asylum Avenue, West Hartford

The School of Education at Saint Joseph College, in collaboration with SAGE (Student Advisory Group in Education), will present an iCitizenship Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, February 9, 2012 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. in The Bruyette Athenaeum’s Hoffman Auditorium located on the College’s West Hartford campus at 1678 Asylum Avenue. Admission is free of charge and the community is cordially invited to participate. Join us for this event which will engage students, teachers, parents, administrators and policy makers in a conversation on creating a positive school climate to address bullying and cyberbullying issues. For more information, contact Marialice Curran, Ph.D., assistant professor of Education, at 860.231.5332 or
Many positive opportunities have resulted from advances in technology. While computers and digital devices are constantly evolving, parents and educators need to help children use technology as socially responsible online citizens, promoting healthy interpersonal relations with their peers and avoiding inappropriate behavior that can lead to cyberbullying.  
Moderated by Brad Drazen, weekday morning co-anchor of NBC 30 Connecticut News Today, Saint Joseph College’s iCitizenship Town Hall Meeting Panel on February 9 will feature:
  • Dr. Jo Ann Freiberg, associate education consultant; School Climate, Bullying, and Character education at the Connecticut Department of Education
  • Dr. Jordan Grossman, assistant superintendent, Canton Public Schools; adjunct professor - School of Education at Saint Joseph College
  • Donna Sodipo, director of education services, Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network
  • Craig Outhouse, assistant principal, Woodland School, East Hartford
  • Ryan Brown, behavioral intervention specialist, McDonough Expeditionary Learning School, Hartford
  • Nicholas Howley, Saint Joseph College graduate student and Admissions Officer at Goodwin College
  • Quinn McDonald, Saint Joseph College freshman and student representative from the College’s First-Year seminar entitled, “Pleased to Tweet You: Are You a Socially Responsible Digital Citizen?”

Week 3.2

One of my favorite places to be is in the Education World!

As a professional, teacher and technology specialist, I love feeding myself with great ideas of how to incorporate technology into my daily lessons.  It often is exhausting knowing all of the tools that are available to me but not having the time to integrate them into my classroom.  That's why it is important to have a start small...and maybe even get a co-worker to try to implement the same technology simultaneously.  This gives you a sense of support and allows you to be creative along the side of someone you respect. 

At you will find a plethora of resources, tutorials and ideas of how to respect and appreciate different technology tools.  There are other areas of the websites dedicated to administrators, teachers and lessons plans and even professional development.  I have been using this webiste for years.  Over the years, this has been the one consistent webiste that I visit and share with others.  You should defintely check it out!

An article that I'd like you to explore..."Integrating Technology in the Classroom: It Takes More Than Just Having Computers"...can be found at  This gives you some ideas about how to start small and introduce technology into your lessons slowly.

I've also added this resource to our LiveBinder, under the Teacher's Tab, at

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Week 3.1

Awareness and Planning for Digital Citizenship

It can be overwhelming, to say the least, when you are the forerunner of making change happen in your school or environment.  We have discussed the urgency in teaching our young students about Digital Communication and Literacy and what is considered private.  There are people who have got the ball rolling in their districts.  I came across this article in the West Hartford News and I'd like to share it with you. 

Right in our backyard, at Renbroook Elementary School in West Hartford, CT, Dave Blodgett has been a pioneer in terms of educating professionals and families about the importance of digital appropriateness.  He is currently part of the IT team there and has also been a teacher.  The development of his blog called,, is to inform teachers and families of the challenges facing our youth today in a digital world.  

The article can be found at

Please read one or two of his posts and let me know what you think. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 2.5

We have BLOGS!!!

Your classmates have been working hard at creating their own blogs.  Please see these links to support their cause!

Lorena's blog can be found at  She would love for all of you to come and leave comments.  You have your own usernames:  first initial - last name and the password is soccer.

Check out Diana's blog at She is trying to educate the people in her life as well as other individuals she might able to reach!   

Here's Mike at  He has begun a blog for his students and welcomes comments to what his students are posting.  

Mike H. has started a blog at his Sunday school.  A great place to start this conversation with kids.  Please visit

Thanks for your support!  Anyone else start a blog? 
Week 2.4


I don't know where to start?  What tools should I use?  How should I use them?  These are frequent statements from teachers just beginning their journey with technology.  As a group, we will collect a list of digital tools and resources on a website called  This way we can learn from each other about the tools we find beneficial for our own classrooms. 

Livebinders is a free, virtual 3-ring binder that can be used to organize resources, tools and websites.   Teachers can use this to create and share web information by topic, subject, or grade-level.

Our Livebinder is called Technology for Learners (to keep it consistent) and you can follow this link to get there... I have already begun ours with some of the tools I love and others taht have been suggested by your peers.  We will continue to update this throughout the semester. 

If you have suggestions of tools, please post them here with a brief statement about what it is and why you like it!

Feel free to start your own, if you'd like to collect your own resources or the ones that are most meaningful to you.  We will take a look at this in class this Tuesday. 
Week 2.3

Tweet ya lata!

Twitter has recently been taking education by storm.  Educators can quickly connect with other professionals, who have similar interests, to gather resources, ideas, and share experiences.  This all happens in minutes or over time.  Some teachers have decided to integrate this type of social media into their classrooms in a variety of ways.  The following link will show some videos and provide ideas and tips for using this tool with your students.

To find a list of discussions of Twitter that may benefit your professional development, check out the following link from Cybraryman.

He also has a list of tutorials and articles about Getting Started with Twitter at

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Week 2.2

How much can you give?

There are always questions regarding funding and school budgets.  Not only do teachers give a tireless amount of time to their students but they also spend a lot of their own money to provide basic materials or items needed for fun projects.  Rarely, do we ask to be reimbursed or cancel the project because there is no money in the school budget.  We go to the dollar store and stock up on materials so that we can provide a new, exciting lesson to engage our students.  I can't even begin to to tell you how many times the cashier at the dollar store has said to me, "You must be a teacher". 

Let me tell you about a website that might help you pull some funding in for your classroom projects.  Very exciting!!! is an online charity that makes it easy for anyone to help students in need.

As a teacher you can post (on this website) a need for materials for a classroom project, technology, or musical instruments.

An individual can browse the project requests and give any amount to the one that inspires them.  Once a project reaches its funding goal, delivers the materials to the school.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Week 2.1

Digital Mistakes!

After doing the reading this week, you should begin to have an understanding of what makes up Digital Citizenship.  The nine elements explain the various paths our students can navigate down while being digital consumers.   How they participate in technology, exchange information or make purchases, even understand what their rights are and how their behavior effects others.  While using technology in the classroom can be very exciting to us as well as our students, we must make it a priority to have honest discussions with our students about Digital Communication and Ettiquette.  Teaching them how to be productive citizens on and offline.  This video is an example of how we can educate our children about appropriate behaviors while using technology.

The following clip from youtube, gives students a very direct message about watching what they say online.  I'd say this is a valuable lesson for students before we start teaching them to blog or tweet .  And, if they are already doing those things's never too late to educate!!!

Do you know someome who has acted as a poor digital citizen?  Please tell us about it!  (Don't use real names or initials!) This does not have to be a child that you know...I know plenty of adults who walk a fine line!  If you do not have an example, see if you can find one online or on youtube to share.

Do you have an example of inappropriate digital citizenshopCan you find an example

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week 1.1

"Those who can't do...teach."

I'm sure most of you have heard or overheard that quote somewhere before. Maybe in a joke, or from a disgruntled student, at a dinner party, or during a parent/teacher meeting. I take this type of "joke" very personally! Teaching has been and will always be a huge responsibility. This profession is one of the few that requires a Masters degree and forces you to continue with professional developments. Admittedly, I have run across educators who I believe were not dedicated to providing the best education to their students. I have come into contact with FAR MORE teachers who are passionate about their work and are eager to make a difference!!!

In this role, you become a nurturer, confidant, facilitator, coach and most important you begin to help this child shape the type of learner and individual they will continue to be far after high school. I know teachers who have provided food or clean clothing for students when there was none available, given Christmas gifts when Santa wasn't going to make it this year, and shown support to students who were struggling through parental divorce or death. I know teachers who have saved lives by fighting against abuse, and bullying. Overall, teachers fight hard to ensure a safe environment where kids can build relationships, learn from mistakes, dream about their future, and consider the types of citizens they would like to be.

Check this out: Taylor Mali on "What Teachers Make"

Do you know a teacher who has gone to great lengths to support one or more of their students?
Week 1.2

Do you speak digital?

If you are one of those people who says, "I'm computer illiterate" or "I don't have any time to learn new technology" or "it's always worked my way" response to you is..."stop searching for excuses!  Your students need you to be adventurous and take risks."  You don't have to be an expert by any means but you have to be willing to take a chance. It is so important that our students feel like we are taking an interest in the world that they have become accustomed to, which very much includes technology. Your students may even jump at the chance to teach you a thing or too. You should embrace their willingness and their excitement to be a part of the learning/teaching process.

People who are scared to try new things, have PowerPoint presentations that look like this...
Don McMillan's Life After Death by PowerPoint

Why are some teachers afraid to integrate new types of technology into their classroom?
Week 1.3

Blog about it!

As teachers, we need to find creative ways to keep our students focused and engaged in our classroom. What better way to do that then on the computer...blogging about it! Most students have some, if not a ton of experience with technology. This is an area they typically out shine their teacher. Students truly respect a teacher who is willing to try new things in their classroom. Blogs are an easy and exciting way to have students practice their writing and build 21st century learning skills.

Blogs can provide...
resources and updates for students and parents.
a supportive writing environment.
a place to communicate and/or reflect on different topics or events.
a place to share their personal thoughts or opinions.
a new motivating approach to get kids writing MORE!
a creative way of receiving feedback from teacher and peers.

Some easy and safe blogs to help you get started...
Ning - free pro version of educators

For safety tips visit,

Set up a blog and include rules and guidelines for your students...

Get over your fear and start your blog today! How will your first post engage your students?