Thursday, April 19, 2012

Let's talk about our projects!

This will be my last blog post for the semester so I wanted to recap our discussion from Tuesday nights class.  Before I get to that, I wanted to thank you for your active particiaption with this blog.  Your enthusiasm has been contagious and inspiring.  I am confident that you will all continue on to spread the word about technology, being a kind person, and being a responsible citizen of our digital world.  :)

Our next project, "Creating Digital Citizens", will be due on 5/1.  I have decided to push the original due date back.  If you come prepared next week and would like to present are more than welcome to get it out of the way. 
This assignment will be a culmination of your learning this semester.  Students will create and present an orginal visual representation of learning that includes 21st Century Skills and the Elements of Digital Citizenship.  This presentation may include student interviews and/or peer interviews as well as reflection on each individual's classroom practice and application.

For your Digital Portfolio, due 5/8, I'd like you to develop a reflection on your semester.  We will include these on our Tech For Learners Livebinder.  You've worked very hard this semester on this blog and our Livebinder.  I'd like to include your reflections on our Livebinder as a whole-class Digital Portfolio.

Please let me know if you need any help or have any questions! 

See you on Tuseday!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Week 12.2

Level the playing field!

This week we had the opportunity to meet at the NEAT Resource and Education Center in Hartford.  We were able to discuss assistive technolgy and how these types of tools can be a crucial support to students in their classrooms as well as their everyday lives.  It can truly level the playing field and create opportunities for many students to succeed.  Although, I was unable to share everything I wanted with you, I'm hoping you could share your thoughts and observations with me.  I'm interested in hearing about your experience; what was most meaningful, what you wanted less or more of, if you were aware of these types of services or supports and do you know anyone who assistive technology might benefit?

Thanks for being a part of class on Tuesday!  I feel so strongly about getting our students the tools they need to be successful!!! 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week 12.1

UPDATE...The Bully Project

I like to believe our efforts helped to lower the age restriction for this movie. It has recently been lowered to PG-13 so that more students can view it.   We should be encouraging parents to get their kids to this movie and open up discussions about how our behaviors can have serious effects on others. 

It opens in select theaters tomorrow!  I may have to take a road trip!

Here is the the link to the website...just in case you need it!

Friday, April 6, 2012

No posts this week!
Have a nice holiday weekend!
I'll see you on Tuesday night, from 4-6 pm at NEAT.

New England Assisitve Technology (NEAT) Resource Center
33 Coventry St.
Hartford, CT 06112

Number for the front desk...860-243-2869.
If you have any issues, please call me on my cell phone.

:)  Nicole

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Understanding Digital Citizenship - project due next Tuesday!

I just wanted to reiterate the conversations we have been having about our upcoming project...

You should research, analyze, and interpret one element of Digital Citizenship.  
·         Digital Access
·         Digital Commerce
·         Digital Communication
·         Digital Literacy
·         Digital Etiquette
·         Digital Law
·         Digital Rights & Responsibilities
·         Digital Health & Wellness
·         Digital Security
Locate one current digital concern from one of these areas.  

Then you have a choice...
1)  If you don't have a class of students, you could opt to --- Find a peer-reviewed article to support the need for integrating Digital Citizenship into education.    Write an essay about your findings and present to the class.
2)  If you do have a class, than you can create a lesson(s) to implement with your students about one of the digital concerns.  You will then present this to the class.
3) If you have any other creative ideas...I'm certainly open to them!

***Digital resources will need to be provided.  

(Very similar to our first project except now our focus is on the Digital Elements.)

This will be my only post this week so that you can all focus on your projects for next Tuesday.  If you have any questions about the project you can post them here, email me, or by all me. 

DON'T forget to take a look at the posts from last week!!!

Monday, March 26, 2012


There is no class on campus tomorrow, March 27th.  I will see you next week and we will present on our next projects. 

We have had a death in our family this week so I will be slightly distracted but I WILL post.   Please see the blog tomorrow for more posts!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week 10.3

The Govenor's Education Bill

During our class this week, Michele also engaged us is a very important discussion about the new Governor's bill.  We had a very passionate discourse about our rights as teachers and the importance of putting our students first.  While we all know that reform is needed in education, I wonder why teachers must bare the brunt of the turmoil.  The education of our students is what matters most to us...contrary to popular belief it's not tenure or summers off.  We do expect to be fully respected by our administrators and supported by our politicians.  Without that, how can we be effective in creating productive classrooms?  In order to keep up with some of the changes in CT legislature, Michele had mentioned a blog called, "Wait, What?"  I have to admit...I loved it by it's title.  Take a look around and let me know what you think? 

Wait, What?

By the is the complete bill if you are interested in reading it.