Thursday, April 19, 2012

Let's talk about our projects!

This will be my last blog post for the semester so I wanted to recap our discussion from Tuesday nights class.  Before I get to that, I wanted to thank you for your active particiaption with this blog.  Your enthusiasm has been contagious and inspiring.  I am confident that you will all continue on to spread the word about technology, being a kind person, and being a responsible citizen of our digital world.  :)

Our next project, "Creating Digital Citizens", will be due on 5/1.  I have decided to push the original due date back.  If you come prepared next week and would like to present are more than welcome to get it out of the way. 
This assignment will be a culmination of your learning this semester.  Students will create and present an orginal visual representation of learning that includes 21st Century Skills and the Elements of Digital Citizenship.  This presentation may include student interviews and/or peer interviews as well as reflection on each individual's classroom practice and application.

For your Digital Portfolio, due 5/8, I'd like you to develop a reflection on your semester.  We will include these on our Tech For Learners Livebinder.  You've worked very hard this semester on this blog and our Livebinder.  I'd like to include your reflections on our Livebinder as a whole-class Digital Portfolio.

Please let me know if you need any help or have any questions! 

See you on Tuseday!


  1. Hi Nicole,
    I was out on Tuesday so I am not sure what your "recap" is. The "creating digital citizens sounds more like a recap of everything that we have taught our students and what needs to go into the reflection? Did I miss all of this being out on Tuesday? What exactly do you want in the refletion? Is it a paper or a blog or???
    Thanks, Tina

    1. I believe the reflection is just your overrall thoughts on the class. What you have learned, what things you liked or did not like, what you thought would be useful or not. We then will post it on a Wiki page thaton of the students is putting together and then present it to Maryalice.

  2. I was thinking of having some kids put on a couple skits on digital citizenship. Thoughts?
